On to the next

Getting your customers to “Like” your Facebook page, follow you on Twitter and +1 you on Google plus is essential. Make sure you have plenty of opportunities for them to do these actions on your website by adding buttons in many strategic areas.

After getting started with Facebook, Twitter and Google+ there are a considerable amount of social networks that you can also utilize to your advantage.

Youtube is probably the best choice to move onto next. Putting a face to your business is an important step to connecting with your customers both new and existing. It is never too late to start a video blog on Youtube about your company and its products and services.

Foursquare offers a great opportunity for existing customers around the globe to share the positive experience they had dealing with your company with other people close to them. It is also a great tool to use while at trade shows or other events to promote your business to people in the area.

There are many, many more networks out there. Let’s discuss some other networks we haven’t talked about yet next post.

Feel free to share some of your Social networking adventures with us!