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By now you should have a good understanding of the basics of SMO and the hows and whys relating to helping your business grow.
You could do it yourself.
You could utilize one of your existing employees to handle your SMO.
You could hire a Digital Marketing Company to handle your SMO.
You could hire a passionate and knowledgeable individual to handle you SMO.
There could be many more options out there that may or may not be more right for your overall marketing strategy. That is something that you have to decide for yourself based upon your wants, needs, and budget.
At least now you are asking yourself the right questions.
Social Media Optimization is a great way to find new customers and to stay connected to those customers to ensure repeat business.
Letting your customers hear your voice makes them feel closer to their service provider.
More connection with customers = Happier customers
Happier customers = Positive reviews
Positive reviews = More customers
More customers = More connection with even more customers
See where I’m going with this!
Also there is content generation
More relevant content in more places on the internet = More search engine relevancy
Higher search engine relevancy score = Better search engine rankings
Better search engine rankings = More connection with customers
This never ending loop of happiness will get your customers sharing their positive experience with your brand across all their social channels.
So where do all the pieces to the puzzle fit in? And what piece do we glue down first?
Start with the basics. Facebook and Twitter alone could potentially put you in touch with millions of new customers so they are a great place to start. Getting the right kind of exposure on those networks can be tricky and take constant upkeep and maintenance. There are certain Twitter Enhancement Services that could net you tens of thousands of followers in less than a week. These techniques can also be applied to other social networks.
Getting loads of Twitter followers, Facebook friends and Google+ circles is all fine and dandy, but if you don’t maintain your relationships, you will start to lose them.
A good example is Lady Gaga who recently surpassed 20 million followers on twitter making her the Queen of Twitter. How did she get more followers than anyone else on Twitter? Simple, she participates. She tweets several times a day. She pays attention to her followers. She operates her own twitter account. She is setting the example that not only other celebrities should follow, but businesses as well.
After getting a good start on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, you could then get started with some of the other social networks such as Tumblr, Delicious, Foursquare and even Squidoo!
Okay, let me first say that there is no magic bullet for success in business. But with SMO you have a great opportunity to get your products and services seen by as many people in as many places all around the world that you could possibly want. If that doesn’t increase your bottom line then there are possibly other areas in your company that need attention.
A company with a great marketing department but sub-standard sales and customer service will not be as successful as a company where the opposite is true. That equation may not always balance out but lets just remember that a marketing department is only as strong as its company’s reputation allows it to be. This gets back to the concept of Brand Reputation Management. If you allow one area of your company to falter, it could bring the whole ship down.
As it is said: If one leaf falls, autumn has come to the celestial empire.
Getting back to the question at hand, you could potentially see results within the first month of a well structured and well executed SMO campaign. After a few weeks, you should be targeting tens of thousands of new potential clients and getting exposure that will only increase exponentially. As I said, if this isn’t getting you more business, you may want to take another look at how your offering of products and services is presented.
So by now you may be saying to yourself, “SMO sounds great but what in the heck is SMO, really though?”
To answer this question as straight forward as possible, SMO is the utilization of various Social Networks to connect a company with new and existing customers in an effort to increase business productivity and maintain a healthy ROI for the company’s marketing strategy.
By connecting with more and more people on Social Networks such as Google+, Facebook and Twitter you will get more eyes on your webpage, your products and your services. You are also creating loads of relevant content, most of which search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing can find and index. The more relevant content you create, the better your search engine ranking is, the easier and easier it is for new customers to find you!
This is not something that happens overnight. You must create a conversation in the minds of your potential customers. You must work hard to earn their trust.
With the power of SMO you can reach your targeted demographic with the greatest of ease.
Considering the wealth of information collected by social networks on their users, targeting the right crowd has never been easier.
The important thing to remember here is not only that you can connect with new and existing customers easier, but that they can connect with you as well. The concept of Brand Reputation Management has never been more important considering a company’s exposure to both existing and potential customers across many social media platforms.
Another important “Who” question that comes to mind is: Who should be handling your SMO?
The answer is fairly straight forward: someone who is passionate about Social Media.
Whoever is going to be handling your SMO needs to be constantly interacting with various Social Media outlets several times a day. This alone is very time consuming. Interacting with Social Media means writing relevant content that is both interesting and keeps up with current social media trends. So your SMO guy or gal will have to be very familiar with both the products and/or services your company has on offer and the demographics that your company targets.
Writing compelling content, being familiar with demographics, posting on social media websites constantly; sounds easy! Well, passion is not something you can teach. If whoever you hire or designate to handle your social media does not feel passionate about it, you are treading in very rough waters. Passion can truly mean the difference between a boomingly successful Social Media campaign and a mediocre or failed campaign. A passionate storyteller that knows how to engage readers, that is your guy(or gal).
One of the main purposes of this blog will be to go through the W questions of SMO.
These are some of the questions you may be asking yourself as you consider using SMO as one of the tools in your marketing toolbox.
Who can I reach with SMO?
Who should be handling my SMO?
What is SMO really?
What will SMO do for my business?
When will I see results?
Where do I start with my SMO?
Why should I bother with SMO?
How is SMO going to get me more business?
You might have more questions about how SMO works. However, by the time you get through this blog you will be armed with enough understanding to get yourself started.
As a business owner you always want to be able to connect with the people who are purchasing your products and/or services. There is simply no better way to do this other than through Social Media. More and more people use the internet to find their products and services. Don’t be left in the dust!
Utilizing Social Media Optimizaion(SMO) in your marketing plan will create loads of relevant content all over the internet that your existing and potential customers will be able to see.
And don’t forget about Link Building! Along with much of the relevant content you will create backlinks to your website. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing index relevant content and backlinks in order to determine the relevancy of your webpage for certain keywords.
In a nutshell, more relevant content and backlinks create more business for you! All of this through the wonderful world of SMO!